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SOT/SP level 1D & level 1 lead files


SOT/SP observations usually consist of many exposures with varying slit positions, forming 2-D scans of solar features. But each SOT/SP level 0 fits file stems from just a single exposure (or an average of a few exposures). As a result, most SOT/SP level 0 fits files are utterly uninteresting in and of themselves.

SOT/SP level 1D

SOT/SP level 1D, however, combines the exposures (after conversion to calibrated level 1 files) into more useful images. We have generated level 1D images whenever possible, using the standard sp_prep solarsoft routines. The images are, however, only available under the first of the level 0 files that contribute to a level 1D image, which we term the "level 1 lead" file.

In order to identify the level 1 lead files, we have added a SOT/SP specific column to the database, called SS__L1LEAD. The value in this column is either "y" (for lead files) or "n" (for all the others). Since "browsing" the non-lead files is not very useful, we have added SS__L1LEAD=y as a standard criterion on the input page ("show level 1 leads only"), with the option of changing it to "show all level 0 files".

Image product selection

Since the level 1D products are somewhat numerous, we have also added a mechanism to select which ones are displayed as thumbnails on the result pages. This selection menu and the criterion for SS__L1LEAD can be found in the "SOT/SP level 1/1D options" box.

Retrieval etc

At the moment, we offer the level 1D products only as an aid to select "interesting" observations for further analysis. You will therefore have to download level 0 files and process them with sp_prep locally. For this reason, the SS__L1LEAD criterion is always ignored by the file retrieval routine. As a result, you may notice that the number of files selected for retrieval can be many times higher than the number of level 1 lead files/groups you have selected.
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